Walk for Walesby – Thank You!
The time has come to formally say thank you to the many individuals, groups and businesses that supported the “Walk for Walesby” by David Huxley, President of Walesby Forest Activity Centre board of trustees.
Six months ago David completed the 108 mile walk to mark 70 years since he first visited Walesby as a Wolf Cub. The Walesby team made a great effort, several spent at least a day walking with him trying to keep up whilst also keeping an eye on him. Other walkers included family, friends, Scouting colleagues and Nottingham Rotarians.
Walking up to 20 miles a day the walk raised interest for television, local radio and newspapers, and social media – daily updates even! The walk has so far generated in excess of £23,000 – a significant help to the finances at the Centre following the effects of Covid on bookings for 2020 and 2021 seasons. Donations are still being received.
Sincere thanks to City of Nottingham District Scouts, The Rotary Club of Nottingham and so many more for their support and encouragement – “for the benefit of young people”.
The Walesby Forest Charity Trustees
Like many businesses, COVID-19 has had devastating impacts on our organisation in the last year. With over 90% of our income lost in 2020 and a further 50% forecasted for 2021, we’re launching our Walk for Walesby and we’re asking you to get behind us and support our efforts.
From 17th May, President of our Board of Trustees, David Huxley, and a number of our other key partners will be completing the Robin Hood Way from Nottingham Castle to Walesby Forest. The 108-mile journey will visit a number of amazing Nottinghamshire locations and they’re taking on this feat to raise vital funds to secure our future.
Also completing the walk is our CEO, Guy Laurie who hopes that people support the initiative as much as possible. “This past year has been our toughest to date. Not only have we lost the majority of our income, but our team has been hit significantly,” explains Guy.
“Some of our team are currently furloughed and some were unfortunately made redundant. Not only that but our apprentice programme was cancelled, leaving just a small team to handle all aspects of security, maintenance and most importantly organising future bookings.”
“We know that recovery will take some time but there is the drive there to do all that is possible to ensure Walesby Forest exists for another 82 years,”
He continues “After all, 82 years of heritage must be protected, as must the fun and enjoyment so many people, especially young people, regularly access across our 250 acres,”
“More than ever before in our entire history, we need the love and support of our visitors, associates and the local community. Donations can be made via JustGiving, over the phone when calling our office, or in-person when Nottingham Rugby take on the Bedford Blues on May 23rd at The Bay.”
With that in mind, we are asking you to please get behind Walesby Forest and support us in raising these vital funds.
Every donation will make a difference, no matter how big or small, so anything you can give is highly appreciated and will help us to protect the future of Sherwood Forest’s most historic outdoor activity centre.
Click here to visit our JustGiving page to donate.
Your support means everything.