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Health & Safety Statement

Walesby Forest is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its staff, volunteers and visitors. We accept responsibility for others who may be affected by its activities, and comply with, as a minimum requirement, all statutory requirements.

As CEO I am charged with fully complying with the Centre’s principles and responsible for implementing the Health and Safety Policy. Each employee and volunteer will be given such information, instruction and training as necessary to enable them to carry out their work and leisure activities in a safe manner and comply with the Centre’s Policy and Statutory requirements.

Sufficient resources will be made available to provide suitable equipment, welfare facilities and training. The CEO will ensure all reasonable measures are taken to provide a safe place of work. All employees and volunteers will take responsibility for the safety of themselves and that of others and not create an unsafe place of work through their acts or omissions.

The successful implementation of the policy requires a commitment from everyone and all employees and volunteers are actively encouraged to become involved in safety meetings and general development of the safety culture.

To ensure the policy is effectively implemented arrangements will be made to enable employees and volunteers to raise issues at health and safety meetings.

The Health and Safety Policy will, in addition to a periodic review, be reviewed and revised to meet changes to legislation towards leisure activities or methods of work as required.
